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Night Guards
Portland, OR

dentist at West End Dental in downtown Portland, OR holding a bite guardWearing a simple dental appliance, known as a night guard, while you sleep can save you pain, frustration, and expense when dealing with bruxism. We can customize a dental guard to wear while you sleep that will be comfortable and easy without added bulk. Our team at West End Dental can help you traverse this disorder and come through without expensive damage.

Bruxism is a common dental disorder that often comes and goes with life stresses. This condition displays through teeth grinding or clenching while you sleep.
•  Teeth Grinding: Teeth grinding is displayed through a circular motion of the teeth grinding against each other, working almost like sandpaper. Quickly, this grinding motion can smooth away the points on your molars that help break down food, or severely thin the enamel on teeth. Grinding can also cause breakage and fracture to occur.
•  Jaw Clenching: Clenching is displayed through tightly closing the jaw. The clenching motion causes strain on the jaw joints and can cause cracks and fractures to occur to teeth.

Bruxism often starts and stops quickly, but can cause severe damage to your teeth while happening.

What is a Night Guard?

A night guard is a silicone device that we customize to fit your mouth. It is worn much like a retainer, fitting entirely over your arch. Placing a silicone layer between the teeth will prevent damage while in an active bruxism phase. We can create a customized night guard designed to fit your mouth. We begin with creating a mold of your teeth and send the information to a dental lab for fabrication.

How Do I Know if I Have Bruxism?

Most people do not continuously experience symptoms of bruxism. Often, it comes and goes during periods of stress or exhaustion. You may spot the signs of bruxism through:
•  Tooth Pain or Tiredness: You may wake to feel tooth sensitivity, pain, or even a tired sensation. Bruxism can thin enamel exposing the dentin layer below causing sensitivity and pain. Additionally, bruxism can cause cracks, ranging from tiny hairline cracks to a large breakage.
•  Tight or Stressed Jaw Joint: You may feel a tightness or strain in your jaw joint, or awake feeling a sense of relaxation as if you have suddenly released your jaw from holding it tight.
•  Spot signs during checkup: During your regular dental cleaning and checkup, we look for areas of concern, including spotting signs of bruxism. We look for teeth that are worn down, cracked, or fractured.

Customized Mouthguards versus Store Bought

Many sporting goods stores carry mouthguards. There are both one size fits all mouthguards, and boil and bite versions. Both of these can work, however, we recommend having your mouthguard or night guard customized for your comfort. By increasing your comfort you are more likely to wear it, and we want you to have the protection you need.

How Do I Care for my Night Guard?

Caring for your night guard is simple. You will want to keep it in its container and keep it out of direct sunlight. Each time you wear it, you will want to simply rinse or brush the device to keep it clean.

If you are in need of a night guard or a mouthguard for sports, contact West End Dental at (503) 446-2957 to schedule an appointment today.
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West End Dental
833 SW 11th Ave Suite 300
Portland, OR 97205

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Smart park 10th Ave.

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Nightguards Portland, OR | West End Dental - Dentist Portland OR
The best bite guard is one that has been custom made for your mouth by your dentist. However, if you can't afford a custom-fitted one, you should still wear a stock bite guard or a boil-and-bite kind from the drugstore.
West End Dental, 833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 + (503) 446-2957 + + 2/1/2025 + Page Keywords: dentist Downtown Portland +