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Straws Can Leave Your Mouth Feeling Better Than Drinking from a Cup

Posted on 6/7/2021 by Office of Dr. James A. Krippaehne
Straws Can Leave Your Mouth Feeling Better Than Drinking from a CupDrinking from straws can be enjoyable, and it can protect your teeth as well. Straws can even help alleviate sensitivities. If you have sensitivities to cold beverages, we suggest using a straw over drinking from a cup.

Straws Can Protect Your Teeth

It is wise to grab a straw to go with your sugary drink. Using a straw can cut down on the contact between the sugary beverage and your teeth. When your teeth are bombarded with sugar, bacteria flourish, and that can cause cavities to form. Additionally, citrus fruit juices and sports drinks contain sugar and are also acidic, which can break down tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. As a general rule, use a straw with brightly colored drinks. This is a small step in the right direction as you try to minimize tooth decay, and you will feel better in the long term.

Straws Can Benefit a Sensitive Mouth

Straws are also helpful for people with tooth sensitivities. Using a straw to sip a cold beverage bypasses the sensitive area. It makes sense that minimizing contact with a sensitive area is more enjoyable than drinking from a cup. Thankfully, there are several types of reusable straws on the market, and you can have one with you whenever you drink a cool beverage.

Call Us Today

Straws are a helpful tool to combat decay and decrease sensitivity. However, if you suspect you have tooth decay or have a tender spot in your mouth, it is important to schedule an appointment so we can take a look at your teeth. Similarly, if you are experiencing sensitivity to hot drinks, cold drinks, or sugary foods, you need to stop by our office so we can assess your situation. While straws may help alleviate symptoms in the short term, it is important to be proactive so that small dental issues do not become big problems.

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